2022 Ultra-tec Photo Contest Winners

First and foremost, thank you to all who participated in the Ultra-tec 2022 Photo Contest. We truly enjoyed all the incredible projects that showcase how Ultra-tec cable, fittings, and hardware transform a view. Another big thank you to our photo contest judges, who had the difficult task of determining the winners. Without further adieu, please join us in congratulating our 2022 Photo Contest Winners!

First Place: Hudson Custom Fabrication

Hudson Custom Fabrication designed this custom stainless steel railing with integrated bar countertops for the Pandora Radio headquarters in Atlanta, GA. This project features 70 linear feet of Ultra-tec 3/16″ Cable Infill, Push-Lock® Fittings, and Invisiware® receivers.

Second Place: Goddard Specialty Construction

Goddard Specialty Construction installed more than 17,000 linear feet of 3/16″ Ultra-tec cable infill at Bonnet Springs Park in Lakeland, Florida. Nature Bridges brought together Ultra-tec cable and fittings with Keuka Studio posts to achieve a stunning result. Learn more about this project in the 2023 Ultra-tec Lookbook.

Third Place: BA Custom Metal & Design

BA Custom Metal & Design used Ultra-tec 3/16″ cable and fittings to design this stainless steel railing for a home in Jackson, Wyoming. All decks at the residence now feature Ultra-tec cable railing for clear, unobstructed views.

Honorable Mention: Custom Lights and Iron

Custom Lights & Iron fabricated an interior and exterior rail on upper and lower decks in the Point Loma neighborhood of San Diego, California. The view from deck on the bay shows how Invisiware gets it name.

Want to see your cable railing project featured? Submit photos featuring Ultra-tec cable, fittings, and hardware to the 2023 Photo Contest! 2023 Photo Contest runs through December 31, 2023. For full contest rules and to enter, visit our photo contest page.

Learn from the cable railing experts. 

The preferred method of fitting combinations will always depend on your project and level of experience. We have outlined the most common cable railing fitting combinations and the benefits of each, to help you decide what is best for your project. Remember, it is best practice to include one tensioning fitting to each end of the cable run.

For installers that use cable railing infill regularly, in medium to large-sized projects, there are two common fitting combinations for installation:

Swaging is a term used to describe how a stud or a ferrule is attached to the cable. When the cable is swaged it cold forms the stainless-steel fittings, using 10,000 pounds of pressure to permanently attach the fitting to the cable.

Our swaged fitting line offers a variety of concealed and exposed options depending on the project design aesthetic. Swaged fitting options include our Invisiware® Receivers, Adjust-A-Body®, and Adjust-A-Jaw® lines of cable railing fittings. Whether swaged on-site with portable installation equipment, or pre-swaged by the manufacturer, Ultra-tec makes it easy to order or swage fittings onto stainless-steel cable.  

Swageless fittings are assembled by hand in the Ultra-tec® facility, located in Carson City, NV, utilizing a locking wedge system within the body of the fitting. Using a swageless fitting with stainless-steel cable requires no special tools or equipment. Simply push and twist the cable into the fitting for the cable to lock in place.

Our swageless line of cable railing fittings provide an exposed look and utilize our proprietary Push-Lock® and Pull-Lock® technology. The fittings are designed to be installed to the inner face of the posts coupled with a spool of cable for easy on-site measurements. This flexible product line requires no special tools for installation.

We recommend working with an architect, designer, or fabricator in the design phase because there are several components to consider when installing cable railing infill. These considerations include the number and type of posts, fittings, hardware, and the infill diameter. The design phase works through various scenarios to help create a code compliant system, with a smooth installation, that achieves the requested aesthetic.

Depending on your business and the type of projects you design and build, there are a variety of common fitting combinations to consider before installing a cable railing infill project. Let’s look at the differences between using swaged versus swageless fittings, in combinations we commonly see our customers choosing for their projects.


pounds of pressure used to permanently attach the fitting to the cable in a swaged system

Most Common Swaged and Swageless Combinations

The preferred method of fitting combinations will always depend on your project and level of experience. We have outlined the most common cable railing fitting combinations and the benefits of each, to help you decide what is best for your project. Remember, it is best practice to include one tensioning fitting to each end of the cable run.

For installers that use cable railing infill regularly, in medium to large-sized projects, there are two common fitting combinations for installation:

Swaged to Swaged Fittings:

  • Once the cable is swaged, it renders a permanent solution. This allows the intermediate elements between terminating end posts to be drilled close to the diameter of the cable, because there are no fittings to pass through the holes in the posts.
  • An installer can swage the cable on the job site using a swaging tool and equipment, requiring only a spool of stainless-steel cable and the cable fittings necessary for the project.
  • Both ends of the cable can be swaged before arriving on the job site by the manufacturer, however, this requires exact measurements submitted through the take-off process.

This fitting combination works well with longer cable runs and works with any cable railing applications, commercial and residential.

At Ultra-tec, we offer rental swaging kits, an option to consider before investing in the purchase of the equipment.

 “With the amount of cable we install, using swaged fittings reduces our material costs although can require more labor versus the ease and flexibility of the swageless,” said Hollis Uecker, owner of Texas Railing Systems, a cable railing expert.  “We are able to cut our cable to custom lengths and use swaged fittings.”

swaged fittings
railing system experts

Pre-Swaged to Swageless Fittings:

The manufacturer or a network of manufacturer partners can pre-swage one end of the cable before delivery to the job site. The other end of the cable is left exposed — to pass through the intermediate post — to push into a swageless fitting.

  • Ultra-tec offers two types of swageless fittings, a Push-Lock® and a Pull-Lock®, utilizing a locking wedge system inside the body of the fitting.
  • Providing approximate field measurements for each cable run is required for an industry partner to factory swage one end of the cable. Each pre-swaged cable run will leave 3-inches of additional stainless-steel cable than needed so each run can be trimmed to exact length onsite.

Swaged to Swageless Fittings:

This is another popular combination. One end of the cable must be swaged while the fitting on the opposite end of the cable run will use a one-way locking mechanism inside the body of the fitting, essentially gripping the cable for a secure fit.

  • An installer can swage the cable on the job site using swaging tools and equipment, a spool of stainless-steel cable, and the cable fittings necessary for the project.
  • The installer will complete the cutting and swaging of one end of the cables on the job.
cable fitting

Swageless to Swageless Fittings:

Using swageless fittings on both ends of the cable run is another option for installers performing small to medium-sized projects. While there is no need for exact measurements for this option, cable is available in 100- or 500-feet spools to ensure adequate cable for the project.

  • This option offers speed of installation with no need for special tools and is great for wood, sleeved, and metal posts. There can be less labor time spent on the job site using this cable fitting combination; swaging the cable on-site takes more time.
  • Utilizing spooled bulk cable, the installer will assemble each run without special tools.
  • After the cable is cut, attach the swageless fitting by pushing the cable into the fittings.

So… To Swage or not to Swage? That is the question.

The industry has advanced significantly as the demand for cable railing infill continues to grow.  At Ultra-tec, your cable railing experts, we understand the need for various options to get the job done. Our customer support team is available to answer any questions regarding our products (including to swage or not to swage) and the best fitting options to help with a smooth installation. Contact us and we’ll be sure to help you determine the correct fitting combination for your project.

If you’re an installer or specifier, you may not have put much thought into what happens before products reach your job site. We’re peeling back the curtain on our manufacturing processes to walk you through the steps we take to manufacture products of the highest quality and demonstrate how our care and knowledge affect your success.

The first step in our manufacturing process: quality stainless steel

We begin by using only high-quality stainless steel that meets the strict standards of purity for stainless steel material. It arrives at our facility in 12-foot rods and is validated with a Certificate of Conformance. We then load a rod into one of the 12 CNC milling machines or lathes. While the stainless steel rod spins at about 1,200 rotations per minute, our tools drill, polish, cut, and ultimately create a component made out of solid marine-grade 316 stainless steel.

Average pieces a week produced through those 12 milling machines

Our machine operators are also tasked with quality control. Machine operators are trained to use inspection equipment like micrometers, dial calipers and pin gauges to verify the quality of parts coming off the machine. If a part doesn’t meet standards, we immediately stop the machine to correct any errors and contain those parts to a specific lot.

Once parts are created and finished, they go to the next station: assembly. Assembly team members take components we’ve machined and manually piece them together to create fittings, then places the complete fitting into inventory, either to be packaged or swaged to the end of a cable. The final product, whether Ultra-tec stainless steel cable or cable fittings, are packaged and shipped to you.

Customization sets us apart

No two jobs are the same, and that’s why we’re proud to create custom fittings for you and your projects. Of course, we have our well-known Ultra-tec branded products, like Invisiware®, Push-Lock® and Pull-Lock®, Adjust-a-Body® and Adjust-a-Jaw® fittings, but we also provide unique solutions for any project.

Our engineering and customer service team will work with you, either using your dimensions or by creating a blueprint based on the information you’ve provided. The concept is then professionally engineered to ensure it meets industry standards, and your needs, before giving you a final product. We’re often told this level of service sets us apart from our competitors.

hardware options engineered for your project

American made: more than a slogan

At Ultra-tec, we are proud to be in Carson City, Nevada, and to manufacture high-quality products for you. By using American-made components, we not only reduce lead times, but also easily adapt to any changes. If there’s a running change that needs to be made, or something occurs in the manufacturing process, we can catch it and correct it to keep the process moving—saving you time and resources.

The process would look different if manufacturing was handled overseas. Imagine a quality problem in a container on the ocean, discovered 90 days after it was manufactured. In those instances, there is always a delay to go back to the supplier to get the inventory reworked or receive another batch. Thankfully, as an Ultra-tec customer, you won’t see those delays or the effects they would have on your business and customers.

American manufacturing, engineering expertise, a knowledgeable team, precise equipment, and a rigorous manufacturing and quality-assurance process. That’s the Ultra-tec difference.

proudly made in the USA

If you’re looking to partner with an American manufacturer and industry leader to complete your next railing project— whether it be a deck, stairs, guard rail or otherwise— contact us.

We’re happy to answer your questions about our process, products, and how you can partner with our team to enhance your next project.

Custom Designs with Ultra-tec Cable, Fittings, and Hardware

Darrell Black and his company, Nor Cal Access Systems, located in the Bay Area, specialize in custom metal work, primarily for custom homes with exterior decks and patios, including pool decks. Most of his work is within a two-hour area of San Francisco — hence his namesake Nor Cal.  The area is ripe with picturesque views, and the results are stunning when the proper finishing hardware is coupled with gate or deck projects.

Darrell has been an Ultra-tec customer since 2006. “I discovered Ultra-tec at a trade show in Las Vegas,” he said. “I primarily use Invisiware fittings; it’s the cleanest system I have found and is hidden in the post.” He’s also a fan of Adjust-A-Jaw fittings for wood posts. “The new clevis design is nice,” he added.

Before starting Nor Cal Access Systems, he worked for another company that used other hardware and fittings. “Ultra-tec is the best I’ve used,” said Darrell.

Proper Hardware Equals Stunning Results

Darrell and his team have completed several exterior decks and interior stairways using Ultra-tec cable, fittings, and hardware. “We explain how Ultra-tec compares to other systems because not everyone knows the quality of the fittings, the sleekness of the concealed fittings inside the post.”

All my customers are thrilled and love the design ~ Darrell

A big fan of swaging his fittings to the cable, Darrell said it is a far superior system because he knows he can adjust on-site if needed, and the cable doesn’t have to be cut to the exact length. “I started out doing my own swaging,” he said. “You can tell the difference between hydraulic crimping — what I do — and crimping. It’s 100 percent worth it.”

Darrell uses Cable Art, Inc. for all his Ultra-tec cable, fitting, and hardware needs.

Check out Darrell’s Ultra-tec deck cable railing, and stairway projects. You’ll can also see his impressive breadth of gate and deck projects through the company’s Instagram feed.

The New Porsche Dealership in Austin: “Eight Levels of Endless Possibility”

Texas boasts the second-largest GDP in the U.S. behind California and boasts a young, fast-growing economy. Austin ranks as the #1 Tech Town and has several “Best” and “Hottest” labels, like U.S. Cities for Starting a Business, Places to Live in America, Hottest Big City Labor Market, and the list goes on. Considered the new high-tech corridor, Austin tech jobs represent more than 17 percent of all jobs in the area, compared to just nine percent nationally.

As Austin grows, so does the appetite for luxury cars, and the Hill Country is the perfect place to take a scenic and technical test drive. Hi Tech Motorcars, the Austin-based, family-run luxury auto dealer, expanded the Porsche dealership, and go big or go home could have easily been the moto. The tech workers are, after all, primary Porsche customers.

Ultra-Tec Railings in Austin

The new 186,000-square-foot facility, coined “eight levels of endless possibility,” is located in the Arboretum area of Austin. President and CEO of Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA), Kjell Gruner, notes the facility “is designed with the customer in mind.” The $40 million project is, at the time of its opening, the largest Porsche dealership in the nation. 

Designed by Gensler, the dealership captures the brand’s “design values through inventive details.” It features a sunken coffee and customer lounge with views of the 30-stall state-of-the-art service center. It also includes an impressive two-story showroom, including classic and vintage Porsche lines. From the outside, your eye wanders to the rooftop sales lot showcasing ten Porsche cars with a remarkable window and lighting display using halo LED colored lighting above each car.

The design details capture the changing culture of retail. “If you want to know what the future of retail looks like, here you can see a great example of what defines excellence,” said Gruner in a press release statement by the company. He noted that the dealership’s design is centered on creating Porsche Passion. The environment exudes luxury, and the open sightlines add to the experience like the addition of cable railing to define areas of the showroom.

The project initially called for a glass infill, and there was a last-minute design change to a stainless-steel cable infill. The design parameters called for six-foot spacing between posts. “The railing had to serve as a vehicle barrier to keep the cars from being driven off the balcony,” said Wayne Uecker, owner of Texas Railing Systems, the fabricator and installer located in Kerrville, Texas.

The railing was a one-of-a-kind design. The railing framework, made from custom stainless-steel extrusions, includes 400 linear feet of Ultra-tec 1/4-inch diameter cable with Invisiware® fittings for a concealed and sleek finish. 

Because the design called for six-foot spans with the cable infill, we had Ultra-tec's engineering do some work so we could make it all work. The end posts had to be extremely sturdy - Wayne Uecker

Texas Railing Systems was the last trade and installation in the dealership because of the extra engineering needed to ensure a safe and secure railing. Saving the best for last is on par with Porsche’s design values and details.

From zoom zoom to relaxing lake front views, we’d like to take a moment to feature our top three winners of the 2021 photo contest.

Each project showcases Ultra-tec cable railing infill, fittings, and hardware in three Several of the 2020 photo contest entries made it into our inaugural Lookbook, and we look forward to including the 2021 entries and winners for our next one.

It’s always a tough decision, and we are excited to share the 2021 Ultra-tec photo contest winners. Congratulations!

The 2021 Contest Winner: Texas Railing Systems for a Porsche dealership in Austin, Texas, using 400 linear feet of Ultra-tec 1/4-inch cable infill, custom framework, and our Invisiware fittings for a one-of-a-kind seamless design.

Texas Metal Industries, Inc., our second-place winner, showcases Ultra-tec cable infill on a custom cedar home by Lindal Cedar Homes overlooking a lake in Traverse City, Michigan.

Homeowner Matthew Lukens from Logan Martin Lake, just east of Birmingham, Alabama, replaced his wood slat railings with Ultra-tec cable infill through composite-sleeved posts using our Push-Lock® system is our third-place winner. Matthew found Ultra-tec through a web search, viewed our YouTube installation videos, and installed it on his own. He can now overlook the lake and watch his grandchildren from the comfort of his deck.

Thank you to all who participated in 2021. Stay tuned for our second Lookbook and look for an announcement coming May 1st of our 2022 photo contest.

Please keep sending us your project photos. We’d love to feature them on our website and a testimonial blog. Click here to upload your 2022 project photos.

Lakefront deck and railing rehab

Homeowner, Matthew Lukens, built a second home located on Logan Martin Lake in east-central Alabama (just east of Birmingham) in 1989. His decking, overlooking the lake, was in dire need of an upgrade. The railing, made from 1 x 6 wood slats he cut down to 1 x 4 and installed in three horizontal rows, didn’t meet code. But his heart was in the right place. “I put the boards up like that so my grandchildren wouldn’t fall through,” said Matthew.

He knew he needed to replace the deck and complete a railing rehab, and so through the power of the internet, Matthew found a composite decking material he liked and Ultra-tec cable railing infill, fittings, and hardware.

“I found a YouTube video on installing Ultra-tec and thought, ‘I can do that,’” said Matthew.

Matthew installed gray composite decking, using 4 x 4 wood posts, and routed the edges and top to fit the top rail. He installed 1/8-inch stainless steel cable railing infill from Ultra-tec and used the ease of the Push-Lock® system to tension the cable. The Push-Lock fitting is swageless, meaning the cable attaches to the fitting using a locking wedge system, making on site assembly easy.

“I pre-drilled the holes for the cable connectors and stained the 4 x 4 before I put the cables through,” added Matthew.

His beautiful work came to fruition when he submitted his project to the 2021 Ultra-tec photo contest and winning the third prize of $125 gift card.

“It worked out great,” said Matthew. “It worked just like the video showed. I love how the new deck looks, and I did it all on my own.”

before deck rehab
after railling rehab

Designing and specifying for multifamily in 2022

According to economists from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) new multifamily apartment production is expected to post modest gains in 2022, up 5 percent to 365,000 units. In other words, the market will continue to grow and with that growth, new trends will inevitably appear in what renters or buyers want in their multifamily homes, whether that’s a duplex, townhome, mixed-use city tower, or an apartment complex in the suburbs.

As a specifier or designer, you can help guide the conversation with your developer on what their buyers/renters want, from more security, modern tech amenities, and products that are attractive but won’t compromise your design.

Here are four multifamily trends we see that could drive what you are specifying in 2022 and beyond.

Outdoor amenities will continue to reign

COVID has had a deep impact on the rise of spending more time outdoors, whether that’s using a multifamily community’s trails to go for walks, enjoying the playground with children, or having an area on the property for tenants to grow their own food in the community garden. Outdoor “living rooms,” such as hammock parks, dog park equipment, firepits, and poolside lounges will continue to be more popular than ever.

These outdoor amenities all have one thing in common, too:  secured spaces. Personal safety has always been a top priority for multifamily residents and with Ultra-tec® cable railing hardware you can provide security that also meets design demands.  To take your design to the next level while meeting the project’s design aesthetics —and even more importantly—meeting code Ultra-tec offers cable, fittings, and hardware. Fitting types include exposed for a more industrial look to concealed for a sleek and clean appearance.

New tech in lobbies

Just a few years ago, most multifamily lobbies were spartan—mailboxes, maybe a reception desk, secure front door, and that was about it. Nowadays, developers who want to stay competitive are offering more amenities in their lobbies. In more urban, city properties, specify for spaces that allow for online shopping delivery, like Amazon lockers so tenants can have their packages safely stored and not piled up in the lobby’s corner. Another amenity gaining popularity is fridge “lockers.”  With the increase of online grocery shopping using apps like Instacart, tenants need their perishable groceries stored if they aren’t home to accept delivery. These are simple but attractive amenities to offer tenants.

Amazon Locker

According to Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2021, an annual report from the Urban Land Institute and PwC US, 82 percent of real estate professionals surveyed indicated that health and well-being will become more important across all sectors of real estate, and will result in projects that feature improved HVAC infrastructure and advanced technologies, such as sensors and touchless entry options to mitigate potential contamination.

For multifamily projects, this also translates into lobbies that offer more space, increased circulation, and fresh air. Beyond tech, safety will be communicated through more security, including fencing and railing products that complement the building’s design. And don’t forget about green amenities. Many multifamily lobbies are incorporating biophilic design— introducing elements of nature into a building’s architecture and design— from simple hanging houseplants to massive green walls.  Plants in a lobby not only look attractive, they also have real benefits such as encouraging the connection between people and nature while promoting wellness.

Co-working spaces on the rise

One trend apparently not going away soon (will it ever?) is employers offering workers the ability to work from home or work remotely. This presents a golden opportunity for developers (and for those specifying and designing) to provide a popular amenity: at-home workspaces. Indeed, many lobbies in older properties have been retrofitted by asset managers to offer more space in lobbies for work as well as new spaces designed with the look and feel of hip co-working spaces.  One noticeable difference in our post-COVID world will be private, individual workstations, more space between desks, and of course dependable, high-speed internet in lobbies.

Parting thoughts: Security ties it all in

Yes, COVID is helping multifamily amenities evolve quicker than usual (but, let’s face it, the amenities above would have emerged eventually) and developers will be looking for new ideas and options to keep their properties fresh and attractive.  Amenities aside, as always, tenants, whether that’s in a city core or in a submarket will always want security, safety, and well-being.

Interested in learning how Ultra-tec® can be used in your next multifamily project?  We offer numerous resources for architects interested in specifying and using Ultra-tec® including CEU courses, CSI Specifications, and CAD drawings. Get in touch today if you have any questions.

History of Bronze Metal

Bronze has a long history of use and is one of the oldest tin alloys dating as far back as 4500BC. It took the place of stone tools, marking the start of the Bronze Age. Bronze was used for weapon making, ornaments, and fittings because it was easy to cast and mold into shapes. As time passed, the most popular use was in bronze statues.

The oldest known bronze statue is the Dancing Girl Bronze Statuette from around 2500BC. Other well-known bronze statues and sculptures include The Thinker by Rodin and Bronco Buster and The Spirit of Detroit by Frederic Remington. The Statue of Unity is the largest statue built out of bronze (eight million pounds) created to honor ‘Iron Man of India’ by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Bronze is not only used for statues and sculptures. 

Olympic bronze metals made their debut at the 1904 St. Louis, Missouri summer games used for the first time as the third-place award in sporting competitions. Modern-day use of bronze has grown use in small electric motors (springs, bushing bearings, and car gearbox bearings), ship propellers, musical instruments, and more.

Bronze is made of 85-95% copper and other metals, and the most common is tin. Considered a red metal, it can bring a rich aesthetic to architectural design. A luxurious material, bronze can carry a higher cost yet will stand the test of time because it is corrosion and weather-resistant, and highly durable.

Bronze in architecture and design

In architecture and design, bronze is used in various applications, including some stunning interior and exterior applications. Consistently used in interior design for a warm and glamorous look and feel, bronze is featured on high-profile exterior applications.

The recently completed Northeastern University’s six-story Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex featured curved bronze fins on the exterior façade. Bronze is on Brooklyn’s first 74-story supertall skyscraper. It took its design nod from the Dime Saving Bank at the base of the building with its opulent interior and exterior, with bronze accents, designed to resemble a neo-classical temple.

bronze metal
Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

Five years ago, Architectural Digest featured a how-to decorate with bronze in a winning fashion, and Sherwin Williams awarded bronze — Urbane Bronze — like the color of the year for 2021 to “tap into nature with a hue whose warm and comfortable breath down-to-earth tranquility.” Something we were all yearning for after a worldwide lockdown. It’s safe to say that bronze will continue to make its mark in architecture and design in various applications.

Bronze offers a warm, rich, and upgraded look compared to tother "cooler" metals, so we typically reserve it for the "front of house" area," said Liang Wu, senior associate and LEED AP at Kirksey Architecture in Houston.

Liang recalled his first extensive use of bronze on a project in 2014-2015, and he is still using it today in an active project. “We typically dress up elevator door frames, all doors and millwork hardware, light fixtures, and furniture accents using a bronze look in the front of the house,” Wu added.

Phosphor Bronze

According to the Copper Development Association, the addition of phosphorous — from 0.01 to 0.35% — increases the corrosion resistance and strength of bronze. In addition, it offers spring-like qualities, a high fatigue resistance, strength, and high wear resistance.

Phosphor bronze is used most in electrical components because of its great electrical conductivity. It is also applied where its other properties are ideal, including fasteners, springs, fuse clips, cable railing, and fittings.

Make a statement with bronze cable railing

Phosphor bronze cable offers a contemporary color option for design projects looking for an alternative to the traditional stainless-steel cable options. Ultra-tec recently introduced its new phosphor bronze cable railing and fitting line, a first of its kind.

The phosphor bronze cable railing is available in 1/8-inch diameter, in 1 x 19 strand cable. It is engineered to hold static loads without stretching, is relatively stiff, and is corrosion-resistant. Concealed receivers with beveled washers are also available for a seamless and modern design.

Ultra-tec’s phosphor bronze cable railing is a 2021 Architizer A+Product Awards Finalist in the New Materials category. Recognized as one of the world’s best products is a true testament to product viability.

The Future of Bronze

Warm metals like bronze will continue to be popular with designers well into 2022 and beyond. Bronze pairs well with marble, glass, and other metals colors like black. “We try not to mix cooler metal — such as stainless steel or aluminum — with bronze, but mixing bronze and black is acceptable,” said Wu. “We typically use bronze along with wood and marble (or porcelain with a stone look), and bronze is more of an accent even when we use larger sheets of it,” he added.

Asked if Wu would use bronze cable railings in a project, “I would consider using bronze cables, probably more towards a decorative fashion.”

Check out Ultra-tec’s new phosphor bronze cable and fitting for your next project.

bronze cable railing

The Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy sits on the old Voelcker Dairy Farm in north-central San Antonio. The 330-acre natural park is well-known as an urban oasis featuring a nature center, outdoor classrooms, dog parks, play and workout areas, walking, hiking, biking trails, and a managed wildlife habitat. 

A masterplan community called Churchill Estates with moderately priced homes sits adjacent to the park. The property owner’s house was built on a bluff overlooking the park and is not included in the neighborhood homeowner association.


The current homeowner spotted a Texas Railing Systems truck at a Home Depot parking lot in Kerrville, about an hour northwest of San Antonio. “He took a picture of our truck door, and two years later, he called for us to provide the railing for his home,” said Wayne Uecker, owner of Texas Railing Systems. 

The Texas Railing Systems crew also completed a tree top skywalk in Hardberger Park as part of a 150-foot land bridge for wildlife crossing over Wurzbach Parkway, connecting the two halves of the original dairy farm land.  

Uecker uses CR Laurence as the framework and Ultra-tec Invisiware® as part of their in-house product designs on most projects. His team installed both for this project. “The ease of use is great because it’s incorporated into our standard fabrications, and we understand the Invisiware system,” said Uecker.

Texas Railing Systems is a leading architectural, contemporary railing specialty company with more than one thousand projects throughout the Texas with long-standing commercial, residential, and manufacturing relationships, including their long-time supplier, Cable Art.