The Adjust-A-Body® with Threaded Bolt is an exposed, swaged, tensioning, face-of-the-post-mounted fitting that is recommended for level runs only. This fitting is available for 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, and 3/8” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Adjust-A-Body® with Threaded Bolt can be used with any fitting on the opposite end of the run. The short thread of the threaded bolt portion of the fitting is secured into a pre-drilled and tapped hole in the end post. The cable is retained within the body portion of the fitting by a ferrule swaged onto the end of the cable. The lock nut is installed all the way onto the threaded bolt first, followed by the body, which is secured onto the threaded bolt, creating tension on the cable. Once sufficient tension is achieved, the lock nut is secured against the end of the body to secure the fitting from loosening.

Use of this fitting requires an appropriately sized ferrule that is swaged onto the cable, which must be purchased separately.


Type 316 Stainless Steel

Cable Diameter Part No.

Use with Ferrule No.

“S” “T” Thread “Ls” “Lt” “Loq” “Ln” “Lr” “D”
1/8” A-JTB6 F-4 5/16-24 5/16-24 L.H. .375″ 2.00″ 2.625″ .375″ 2.75″ .490″
3/16” F-6
1/4” A-JTB8 F-8 5/16-24 7/16-20 L.H. .375” 2.50″ 3.125″ .500″ 3.00″ .617″
5/16” A-JTB12 F-10 1/2-20 9/16-18 .62″ 3.00″ 4.00″ .62″ 4.50″ .744″
3/8” F-12

The Adjust-A-Body® with Threaded Eye fitting is an exposed, swaged, tensioning, face-of-the-post-mounted fitting that can be used on level or pitched runs. This fitting is available for 1/8”, 3/16”, and 1/4” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Adjust-A-Body® with Threaded Eye can be used with any fitting on the opposite end of the run. This fitting attaches to the end post by installing a Threaded Tab into a pre-drilled and tapped hole in the end post and attaching the threaded eye portion of the fitting to the threaded tab with a button head screw. The cable is retained within the body portion of the fitting by a ferrule swaged onto the end of the cable. The lock nut is installed all the way onto the threaded eye first, followed by the body, which is secured onto the eye, creating tension on the cable. Once sufficient tension is achieved, the lock nut is secured against the end of the body to secure the fitting from loosening.

While this fitting can be used on pitched or level runs, it is most appropriate for pitched runs because the threaded eye portion of the fitting pivots at the tab.

Use of this fitting requires that an appropriately sized ferrule is swaged onto the cable. Ferrule sold separately.


Cable Diameter Part No. Use with Ferrule No.  Use with Screw No.  Use with Tab No.  “E” Thread “A” “B” “S” “T” Thread “Lt” “Ln” “Lr” “D” Dia. 
1/8” A-JTE6 F-4 SC-6 TT-6B 1/4-28 .233″/.229″ .500″ .44″ 5/16-24 LH 2.00″ .375″ 2.75″ .490″
3/16” A-JTE6 F-6 SC-6 TT-6B 1/4-28 .233″/.229″ .500″ .44″ 5/16-24 LH 2.00″ .375″ 2.75″ .490″
1/4” A-JTE8 F-8 SC-8 TT-8B 3/8-24 .295″/.285″ .874″ .68″ 7/16-20 LH 2.50″ .500″ 3.00″ .617″


Exposed, swaged, tensioning, face-of-the-post-mounted fitting suitable for level or pitched runs and is available for 1/8˝ and 3/16˝ diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

  • Can be used with any fitting on the opposite end of the run.
  • Consists of two separate pieces: the articulating Threaded Bolt and Adjust-a-Body® tensioning body.
  • Threaded Clevis is installed into a pre-drilled or tapped hole in the end post.
    Cable is retained within the body portion of the fitting by a ferrule swaged onto the end of the cable.
  • Use of this fitting requires an appropriate sized ferrule that is swaged onto the cable, which much be purchased separately.
  • Once sufficient tension is achieved, the Lock Nut is secured against the end of the body to secure the fitting from loosening.
Part Number: A-J6-CL-M


Cable Diameter Use with Ferrule No. “T” Thread “Lt” “Ln” “Lr” “D” Dia.
1/8” F-4 6/16-24 LH 2.00″ .375″ 2.73″ .490″
3/16” F-6

The Adjust-A-Jaw® is an exposed, swaged, tensioning,
face-of-the-post-mounted fitting that can be used on level or pitched runs. This fitting is available for 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, and 3/8” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Adjust-A-Jaw® can be used with any fitting on the opposite end of the run. This fitting attaches to the end post by installing a Threaded Tab into a pre-drilled and tapped hole in the end post and attaching the threaded jaw portion of the fitting to the threaded tab with a button head screw. The cable is retained within the body portion of the fitting by a ferrule swaged onto the end of the cable. The lock nut is installed all the way onto the threaded jaw first, followed by the body, which is secured onto the jaw, creating tension on the cable. Once sufficient tension is achieved, the lock nut is secured against the end of the body to secure the fitting from loosening.

While this fitting can be used on pitched or level runs, it is most appropriate for pitched runs because the threaded jaw portion of the fitting pivots at the tab. Use of this fitting requires an appropriately sized ferrule that is swaged onto the cable. Ferrule sold separately.


Type 316 Stainless Steel

Cable Diameter Part No.


with Ferrule No.

Use with Screw No. Use with Tab No. “D” Dia.  “E” Thread “F” Dia.  “G” “K” “Ln” “Lr” “T” Thread
1/8” A-J62 F-4 SC-6 TT-6B .490” 1/4-28 .260″ .260″ .56″ .375″ 2.75″ 5/16-24 LH
3/16” A-J62 F-6 SC-6 TT-6B .490” 1/4-28 .260″ .260″ .56″ .375″ 2.75″ 5/16-24 LH
1/4” A-J82 F-8 SC-8 TT-8B .617” 3/8-24 .390″ .313″ .75″ .500″ 3.00″ 7/16-20 LH
5/16” A-J122 F-10 SC-8 TT-8B .744” 3/8-24 .390″ .348″ .87″ .620″ 4.50″ 9/16-18
3/8” A-J122 F-12 SC-8 TT-8B .744” 3/8-24 .390″ .348″ .87″ .620″ 4.50″ 9/16-18

washers for stairs

For flat-sided frames only.

Made of phosphor bronze for use with the bronze Invisiware® Receivers on stairways or slopes where you need to drill your end post holes at an angle.



Part Number: XBW32-6-B2

Part Number:XBW35-6-B2


Cable Diameter Stair/Slope Pitch Part No.

1/8”, 3/16”

30– 33


34– 36



The Invisiware® Receiver with Invisiware® Stud combination is a concealed, swaged, tensioning, through-the-post-mounted fitting that is suitable for level runs. Receivers and studs are available for 1/8” and 3/16”,  diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable; 1/8” and 3/16” sizes are also suitable for pitched applications.

The Invisiware® Receiver with Invisiware® Stud can be used with any other fitting on the opposite end of the run. This fitting is placed and concealed within a pre-drilled hole in the metal end post. The Receiver is furnished with a Delrin® washer that is installed between the shoulder of the fitting and the end post to protect the surface of the finish of the end post as tension is applied. The stud is swaged onto one end of the cable and is inserted and threaded into the Receiver installed in the end post. Tension is created by rotating the Receiver (with a hex wrench inserted into its broached end) and drawing the Stud into the Receiver.

This fitting in 1/8” and 3/16” cable sizes can also be used in pitched applications using the same method (including a horizontally drilled hole) described previously. This fitting is commonly paired with a Pull-Lock® on the opposite end of the run. The Receiver/Pull-Lock® terminal combination is available in our 1/8” and 3/16” kit offerings.


Invisiware® Receiver Dimensions

Cable Diameter 1/8″ Cable 3/16″ Cable
Part Number  XR-6-XX XR-6-XX
“D” Diameter .437” .437”
“T” Thread 5/16-24 5/16-24
“H” Hex 3/16” 3/16”
“S” Diameter .537” .537”
“L” Length See “Framing Options” Table

Framing Options for Invisiware® Receiver

Cable Diameter 1/8″ Cable 3/16″ Cable
Frame Options Part No.  Part No. 
1-1/2″ Tube* or 1-1/4″ Pipe XR-6-12 XR-6-12
1-1/2″ Pipe XR-6-22 XR-6-22
2″x 2″ Tube XR-6-32 XR-6-32
2″ Pipe XR-6-42 XR-6-42
2-3/8″ Tube* XR-6-72 XR-6-72
2-1/2″ Tube* XR-6-72 XR-6-72
3″ Tube XR-6-52 XR-6-52

3-1/2″ Tube*



*Round or Square Tube


The Clip-On Fixed Jaw is externally a duplicate of the Fixed Jaw and is only available for 1/8” and 3/16” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable. 

The Clip-On Fixed Jaw was created for applications that called for factory swaged fittings on both ends of the cable, without requiring over-sized holes through the intermediate posts (so an entire Fixed Jaw could pass through). This fitting accomplishes that with a .250” diameter ferrule that is pre-swaged to the cable. Once the cable with just a ferrule swaged to it is run through the intermediate posts to the end post to which it will attach, the jaw is slipped onto the cable over the ferrule and the clip installed at the ferrule. The jaw then slides back against the clip, which prevents the fitting from coming off the cable.

This fitting attaches to the wood end post by installing a Lag Eye into a pre-drilled hole in the end post and attaching the Clip-On Fixed Jaw to the lag eye with a button head screw. Lag eye and screw sold separately.

Use of this fitting requires an appropriately sized ferrule that is swaged onto the cable, which must also be purchased separately.


Type 316 Stainless Steel

Cable Diameter Part No. Use with Ferrule No.  Use with Screw No.  Use with Lag Eye No.  “F” Dia.  “G” “K” “L”
1/8” F-JC2-4 F-4 SC-6 LE-6 .260” .260” .56” 1.75”
3/16” F-JC2-6 F-6 SC-6 LE-6 .260” .260” .56” 1.75”

The Clip-On Fixed Jaw is externally a duplicate of the Fixed Jaw and is only available for 1/8” and 3/16” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Clip-On Fixed Jaw was created for applications that called for factory swaged fittings on both ends of the cables, without requiring over-sized holes through the intermediate posts (so an entire Fixed Jaw could pass through). This fitting accomplishes that with a maximum diameter of a .250” diameter ferrule that is pre-swaged to the cable. Once the cable with only a ferrule swaged to it is run through the intermediate posts to the end post to which it will attach, the jaw is slipped onto the cable over the ferrule and the clip installed at the ferrule. The jaw then slides back against the clip, which prevents the fitting from coming off the cable.

This fitting attaches to the metal end post by installing a Threaded Tab into a pre-drilled and tapped hole in the end post and attaching the Clip-On Fixed Jaw to the threaded tab with a button head screw.

Use of this fitting requires an appropriately sized ferrule that is swaged onto the cable, which must also be purchased separately.


Cable Diameter Part No. Use with Ferrule No.  Use with Screw No.  Use with Tab No.  “F” Dia.  “G” “K” “L”
1/8” F-JC2-4 F-4 SC-6 TT-6B .260” .260” .56” 1.75”
3/16” F-JC2-6 F-6 SC-6 TT-6B .260” .260” .56” 1.75”
Reference Fixed Jaw schematic to the right for call-outs.

The ferrule is used to retain an Adjust-A-Jaw®,
Adjust-A-Body® or a Fixed Jaw onto cable.


Cable Diameter Part No . After Swaged “D” Dia. After Swaged “L” Length 
1/8” F-4 .250″ .61″
3/16” F-6 .250″ .56″
3/4” F-8 .375″ .70″
5/16″ F-10 .500″ .73″
3/8″ F-12 .500″ .71″

fixed jaw

The Fixed Jaw is an exposed, swaged, non-tensioning, face-of-the-post-mounted fitting that is suitable for use on level or pitched runs and is available for 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, and 3/8” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Fixed Jaw must be used with a tensioning fitting on the opposite end of the run. This fitting attaches to the wood end post by installing a Lag Eye into a pre-drilled hole in the end post and attaching the Fixed Jaw to the lag eye with a button head screw. The cable is retained within the Fixed Jaw by a ferrule swaged onto the end of the cable.

While this fitting can be used on pitched or level runs, it is most appropriate for pitched runs because the Fixed Jaw pivots at the lag eye. The pre-drilled hole for the lag eye is drilled level, making installation easy.

Use of this fitting requires an appropriately sized ferrule that is swaged onto the cable, which must also be purchased separately. This fitting was designed to be compatible in appearance to the Adjust-A-Jaw® tensioning fitting.


Type 316 Stainless Steel

Cable Diameter Part No. Use with Ferrule No.  Use with Screw No.  Use with Lag Eye No.  “E” Thread “F” Dia.  “G” “K” “L”
1/8” F-J62 F-4 SC-6 LE-6 1/4-28 .260″ .260″ .56″ 1.75″
3/16” F-J62 F-6 SC-6 LE-6 1/4-28 .260″ .260″ .56″ 1.75″
1/4” F-J82 F-8 SC-8 LE-8 3/8-24 .390″ .313″ .75″ 2.12″
5/16” F-J122 F-10 SC-8 LE-8 3/8-24 .390″ .348″ .87″ 2.25″
3/8” F-J122 F-12 SC-8 LE-8 3/8-24 .390″ .348″ .87″ 2.25″

The Fixed Jaw is an exposed, swaged, non-tensioning, face-of-the-post-mounted fitting that is suitable for use on level or pitched runs and is available for 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, and 3/8” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Fixed Jaw can be used with any tensioning fitting on the opposite end of the run. This fitting attaches to the metal end post by installing a Threaded Tab into a pre-drilled and tapped hole in the end post and attaching the Fixed Jaw to the threaded tab with a button head screw. The cable is retained within the Fixed Jaw fitting by a ferrule swaged onto the end of the cable. Screw and threaded tab are sold separately.

While this fitting can be used on pitched or level runs, it is most appropriate for pitched runs because the Fixed Jaw pivots at the tab. Use of this fitting requires an appropriately sized ferrule that is swaged onto the cable, which must also be purchased separately.

This fitting was designed to be compatible in appearance to the Adjust-A-Jaw® tensioning fitting.


Cable Diameter Part No. Use with Ferrule No.  Use with Screw No.  Use with Tab No.  “E” Thread “F” Dia.  “G” “K” “L”
1/8” F-J62 F-4 SC-6 TT-6B 1/4-28 .260″ .260″ .56″ 1.75″
3/16” F-J62 F-6 SC-6 TT-6B 1/4-28 .260″ .260″ .56″ 1.75″
1/4” F-J82 F-8 SC-8 TT-8B 3/8-24 .390″ .313″ .75″ 2.12″
5/16” F-J122 F-10 SC-8 TT-8B 3/8-24 .390″ .348″ .87″ 2.25″
3/8” F-J122 F-12 SC-8 TT-8B 3/8-24 .390″ .348″ .87″ 2.25″

The Adjust-A-Jaw® can be used with any fitting on the opposite end of the run. This fitting attaches to the end post by installing a Threaded Tab into a pre-drilled and tapped hole in the end post and attaching the threaded jaw portion of the fitting to the threaded tab (see bottom of page) with a button head screw. The cable is retained within the body portion of the fitting by a ferrule swaged onto the end of the cable. The lock nut is installed all the way onto the threaded jaw first, followed by the body, which is secured onto the jaw, creating tension on the cable. Once sufficient tension is achieved, the lock nut is secured against the end of the body to secure the fitting from loosening.

While this fitting can be used on pitched or level runs, it is most appropriate for pitched runs because the threaded jaw portion of the fitting pivots at the tab. Use of this fitting requires an appropriately sized ferrule that is swaged onto the cable. Ferrule sold separately.


Cable Diameter Part No.
1/8”, 3/16” TT-6B
1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8″ TT-8B

Concealed Tensioning fitting

The Invisiware® Receiver with Invisiware® Stud combination is a concealed, swaged, tensioning, through-the-post-mounted fitting that is suitable for level runs. Receivers and studs are available for 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, and 3/8” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable; 1/8” and 3/16” sizes are also suitable for pitched applications.

The Invisiware® Receiver with Invisiware® Stud can be used with any other fitting on the opposite end of the run. This fitting is placed and concealed within a pre-drilled hole in the metal end post. The Receiver is furnished with a Delrin® washer that is installed between the shoulder of the fitting and the end post to protect the surface of the finish of the end post as tension is applied. The stud is swaged onto one end of the cable and is inserted and threaded into the Receiver installed in the end post. Tension is created by rotating the Receiver (with a hex wrench inserted into its broached end) and drawing the Stud into the Receiver.

This fitting in 1/8” and 3/16” cable sizes can also be used in pitched applications using the same method (including a horizontally drilled hole) described previously. This fitting is commonly paired with a Pull-Lock® on the opposite end of the run. The Receiver/Pull-Lock® terminal combination is available in our 1/8” and 3/16” kit offerings.


Invisiware® Receiver Dimensions

Cable Diameter 1/8″ Cable 3/16″ Cable 1/4″ Cable 5/16″ Cable 3/8″ Cable
Part Number  R-6-XX R-6-XX R-8-XX R-12-XX R-12-XX
“D” Diameter .437” .437” .531” .687” .687”
“T” Thread 5/16-24 5/16-24 7/16-20 9/16-18 9/16-18
“H” Hex 3/16” 3/16” 7/32” 5/16” 5/16”
“S” Diameter .537” .537” .646” .865” .865”
“L” Length See “Framing Options” Table

Framing Options for Invisiware® Receiver

Cable Diameter 1/8″ Cable 3/16″ Cable 1/4″ Cable 5/16″ Cable 3/8″ Cable  
Frame Options Part No.  Part No.  Part No.  Part No.  Part No.  “L” Length
1-1/2″ Tube* or 1-1/4″ Pipe R-6-12 R-6-12 N/A N/A N/A 1.56″
1-1/2″ Pipe R-6-22 R-6-22 R-8-22 N/A N/A 1.81″
2″x 2″ Tube R-6-32 R-6-32 R-8-32 R-12-32 R-12-32 2.03″
2″ Pipe R-6-42 R-6-42 R-8-42 R-12-42 R-12-42 2.30″
2-3/8″ Tube* R-6-72 R-6-72 N/A N/A N/A 2.405″
2-1/2″ Tube* R-6-82 R-6-82 N/A N/A N/A 2.53″
3″ Tube R-6-52 R-6-52 R-8-52 R-12-52 R-12-52 3.03″
3-1/2″ Tube* R-6-62 R-6-62 N/A N/A N/A 3.5625″

*Round or Square Tube

The Invisiware® Receiver with Push-Lock® Stud combination is an exposed, swageless, tensioning, through-the-post-mounted fitting that is suitable for level runs only, and is available for 1/8” and 3/16” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Invisiware® Receiver with Push-Lock® Stud can be used with any fitting on the opposite end of the run. This fitting requires that a minimum of 2-1/2” of clearance exists on the back side of the end post to install the Receiver into the post. The Receiver is furnished with a Delrin® washer that is installed between the shoulder of the fitting and the end post to protect the surface of the finish of the end post as tension is applied. The cable attaches to the Push-Lock® Stud fitting via our Push-Lock® locking wedge system which requires no special tools. This fitting was created for applications requiring substantial take-up and a preference for a swageless tensioning fitting.

We do not recommend this fitting being installed in pitched applications because it would require drilling all of the holes in the end post at an angle. While this is possible with special fixtures, if it is not done correctly the end result would be visually unacceptable.


“A” Receiver Body Length Use with Swageless Stud No. Part No.
2.30″ 3/4” CS-TUBE
2.40″ 3/4” CS-TUBE
2.53″ 3/4” CS-TUBE
3.03″ 3/4” CS-TUBE
3.56″ 3/4” CS-TUBE

The Invisiware® Stud is a concealed, swaged, non-tensioning, inside-the-post-mounting fitting that is suitable for use on level or pitched runs and is available for 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, and 3/8” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Invisiware® Stud can be used as a non-tensioning end in level or pitched applications. It is swaged onto one end of the cable and threaded into a drilled and tapped hole in the face of the post (1/4” wall thickness minimum). This fitting would typically be paired with an Invisiware® Receiver and Stud tensioning fitting on the opposite end. This method of using an Invisiware® Stud as a  non-tensioning end is restricted to interior applications.


Type 316 Stainless Steel – Moly Coated

Cable Diameter Part No. Thread “L” “D” Dia. After Swaged
1/8” S-4 5/16-24 1.180″ .250″
3/16” S-6 5/16-24 1.140″ .250″
1/4” S-8 7/16-20 1.380″ .375″
5/16” S-10 9/16-18 1.330″ .500″
3/8” S-12 9/16-18 1.310″ .500″

mounting screw for lag eye fittings

Stainless steel steel socket-head screws for mounting an Adjust-A-Body® with Threaded Eye, Adjust-A-Jaw®, Fixed Jaw, or Push-Lock® with Threaded Eye.


Type 316 Stainless Steel

Cable Diameter Part No. Thread
1/8”, 3/16” SC-6 1/4-28
1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8″ SC-6 1/4-28