The Push-Lock® Lag fitting is an exposed, swageless, non-tensioning, face-of-the-post-mounted fitting that is suitable for use on level runs only, and is available for 1/8” and 3/16” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Push-Lock® Lag must be used with a tensioning fitting
on the opposite end of the run. This fitting is installed into a pre-drilled hole in the wood end post by rotating the fitting (with a wrench placed onto wrench flats machined into the fitting) to drive the lag thread into the hole until the fitting shoulders on the post face. Because the wrench flat is at the back of the fitting, it can be used with sleeved posts as well. The cable attaches to the fitting via our Push-Lock® locking wedge system which requires no special tools.

The most likely application for this fitting would be when substantial take-up is required, AND there is a preference for a swageless fitting, AND there is less than 2-1/2” of space available in back of the end post.


Cable Diameter Part No.
1/8” PL-LAG-4
3/16” PL-LAG-6

The Push-Lock® Lag fitting is an exposed, swageless, non-tensioning, face-of-the-post-mounted fitting that is suitable for use on level runs only, and is available for 1/8” and 3/16” diameter 1×19 stainless steel cable.

The Push-Lock® Lag must be used with a tensioning fitting
on the opposite end of the run. This fitting is installed into a pre-drilled hole in the wood end post by rotating the fitting (with a wrench placed onto wrench flats machined into the fitting) to drive the lag thread into the hole until the fitting shoulders on the post face. Because the wrench flat is at the back of the fitting, it can be used with sleeved posts as well. The cable attaches to the fitting via our Push-Lock® locking wedge system which requires no special tools.

The most likely application for this fitting would be when substantial take-up is required, AND there is a preference for a swageless fitting, AND there is less than 2-1/2” of space available in back of the end post.


Cable Diameter Part No.
1/8” PL-LAG-4
3/16” PL-LAG-6


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